Campaign to Make Our Roads Safer
NPC recently held discussions with ERYC representatives to see if any measures can be put in place to make Newbald’s roads safer.
In particular, NPC is concerned at the number of drivers who speed along Burgate. This happens both ways and represents a very real danger to residents. Where Burgate meets the diagonal road across The Green, there is a blind corner, which members feel is an accident waiting to happen. Ideally the road across The Green should be shut and converted to grass but this has been ruled out in the past due to the very high costs of doing so.
Other roads that were considered were Galegate, South Newbald Road, Ratten Row and Westgate. Measures that were discussed include speed bumps and chicanes.
Unfortunately, despite the ERYC Senior Engineer we met being very helpful, her hands are tied. As Newbald does not have a history of fatal accidents, we remain very low priority and there is no funding available for us.
The Parish Council feels very strongly that we should not have to wait for a fatality or serious injury before action is taken to improve the safety of our roads.
We are appealing to residents that share the Parish Council’s concern to write to or email ERYC and/or Graham Stuart MP to express your thoughts. Maybe if pressure is brought to bear on this, we will be able to persuade ERYC that we should be a higher priority.