New Streetlight for South Newbald
After receiving many requests, and having consulted with nearby residents, we decided to install a new streetlight on South Newbald Road at the bottom of Trundlegate. This part of the village has always been particularly dark, and we are pleased that pedestrians and motorists will now feel much safer here.
The village of Newbald is often divided on the subject of streetlights, with some residents wanting to increase the number of streetlights to make the village feel safer, and others preferring to keep it as dark as possible so the night sky can be enjoyed. The last community survey put the split at about 50-50. However, we felt that this one light was particularly important. The corner where South Newbald Road meets Trundlegate was cited as being very dangerous for pedestrians at night. We always must strike a balance between safety and minimising light pollution.
Thank you to Cllr. Geoff Lewis for his hard work on this project.