
Playing Field Association

Newbald Playing Fields Association (NPFA) is a charity which works hard to maintain and develop the recreational area in North Newbald, known as the Playing Fields. There is a playground and also a sports pitch there which hosts many regular sporting activities, such as football clubs.

Keep an eye on this website and Newbald Parish Council Facebook page to find out about the events we run as and when they are coming up.

We Need You LogoAs a volunteer run charity, we need as much help as we can get. So if you feel you have something to offer or are able to help in any way whatsoever, please come along to our meetings which are on the first Wednesday of every month at 8pm in the Church Rooms on the Green. Please come and join us  – we are a fun and friendly crowd.



Band With People On Straw Bales In Front
Ices At August 12 Gala
Carols On The Green image of fairground rides
Photo of tug of war at Newbald gala
photo of Swings at Newbald showing Wetpour surface
Smiling Committee Members at Carols on the Green
Photo of the band Stikky Fingers
Photo Of Npfa Committee
Playground After Tidy Up October 2015
Photo of the bad Pink Cadillac at Newbald gala
Photo of swings at Carols on the Green