
Bright Festive Lights for Newbald

After the darkness of Covid-19, what better way to brighten our days than a dazzling Christmas light display?

To achieve this, we need to install a mains electricity supply on The Green, as well as buying new lights.

Cllr. Beccy O’Sullivan and Fiona Oakes have kindly taken on the job of fundraising for this. They are doing really well, having secured a £1,000 grant from the local charity Robert B. Massey Trust, as well as £1,400 from other kind donators. Still, that is well short of the amount required.

Installing the electricity supply alone will cost about £3,565 and the lights will be extra to that. If you want to make our next Christmas Eve ‘Carols on the Green’ a more vibrant and colourful spectacle, please consider donating. To organise a bank transfer, please call Beccy on 07528187326. You can also drop cash through Beccy’s letterbox at 7 Eastwold, or Fiona’s at 12 Townend Road.

Also to raise money for the Christmas lights, star resident Leandro de Luca is doing a half marathon wearing only his speedos and some festive tinsel! He will do a circular route from the village green at 2pm on Sat 2 Oct, finishing about 4pm at The Tiger for well deserved drinks. Please consider sponsoring him – see below. Thank you, brave Leo!