Old Photo Of Gates

Hall Farm development extended to 5 houses

The Hall Farm planning application for 5 new houses was granted planning permission by ERYC Northern Planning Committee.

NPC did the best it could to fight this application. Unfortunately our extensive comments and the very real material planning considerations that spoke against it were not enough to prevent it.

20/03469/PLF – Erection of 5 dwellings and associated works following the demolition of existing structures (AMENDED PLANS & DESCRIPTION) at Hall Farm Site, Eastgate, North Newbald, East Riding Of Yorkshire, YO43 4SD, for Living By Ispace – Application type: Full Planning Permission

NPC is concerned that its opinions appear to hold very little weight in the planning process. It has decided to take ERYC to task about this. We are meeting soon with senior ERYC officials to try and ensure Newbald’s voice is better heard.