Friends of Newbald School
Scroll down for details of our current fundraising project.
The charity Friends of Newbald School (FONS) brings together parents, teachers and others to raise money, to support the school and make a difference for the children. We provide the opportunity for everyone to work together towards a common goal and we are open to all volunteers even if they only have a small amount of time available to get involved. As a “Friends of…” group we are wider than a normal PTA in that past pupils, grandparents, members of the local community or parish can become members (as deemed appropriate by the committee) as well as all parents, carers and guardians, teaching and non-teaching staff at the school.
Our main focuses are;
- To raise funds to help the school provide extra resources for the pupils
- To run social events for parents and children; providing an opportunity for people to meet and get to know each other and have fun!
The current Chair of FONS is Helen Todd. You can contact Helen on [email protected].
Books Glorious Books
Recently the Friends of Newbald School (FONS) helped organise a drive to raise funds so the school can purchase a new range of books. The school are due to receive the grand total of £3,900.34! A big thank you to everyone who helped with donations. This money will benefit each and every child in the school and will provide much needed reading material to help the children at our school to develop a love for reading.
Friendship Bench Project
One recent project is the creation of a “Friendship Bench”. It was felt by the children that it would be nice to have somewhere to go to if they felt they didn’t have anyone to play with at play times. FONS and School worked together by upcyling an old school bench by sanding and priming it, then all the children from the school made their handprint on the bench to make it their own. FONS hopes the bench will be used by the children at Newbald School for many years to come.
Want to find out more?
FONS recognises that parental involvement in school can be a great boost to your child’s experience of school and therefore their achievement. If you would like to get involved or find out more about what we do please visit the school office or contact the Chair Helen Todd on [email protected]