The Problem of Dog Fouling in Newbald
Local laws in the East Riding make it an offence not to clear up after your dog has fouled on any land in the open air which is accessible to the public.
If you want to report dog fouling, and you know the offender or when the fouling is happening, the dog warden team can investigate this. You can report dog fouling Dog control and ownership or by calling ERYC on 01482 396301 with the details of your complaint and somebody will be able to give you further advice.
Dog fouling remains one of Newbald Parish Council’s top concerns. It is the most offensive type of litter on our streets and it is consistently raised as a public concern.
The Parish Council organises regular poster campaigns. We invite Newbald school children to enter a poster competition. The winning poster gets a prize, with smaller prizes for every child that takes part. These posters are then re-produced and put up around the village. Over the years there have been some amazing creations.
The Parish Council organised for new bins to be installed at strategic points in the village to help combat the problem of dog fouling by providing more places where owners can dispose of waste.
Following negotiations by the Parish Council, Newbald village is also visited by a dog warden on a random basis. Any owners caught allowing their dog to foul without picking up will be subject to the full force of the law.
Some facts for you about the problem of dog fouling…
In 2010 the UK dog population was estimated to be 8 million, with dogs producing approximately 1,000 tonnes of excrement each day. In a recent survey of over 10,000 sites dog fouling was present on 7% of these sites. Some dog owners still fail to clean up after their dogs and the highest level of dog fouling can be found in areas where people actually live.
Although Keep Britain Tidy has recorded a reduction in overall levels of dog fouling since 2001/02, it is still a significant cause of offence among the public.
Dog fouling is not only unpleasant it is dangerous. The biggest threat to public health from dog excrement is toxocariasis.
What is Toxocariasis?
Toxocariasis is an infection of the roundworm toxocara canis. The eggs of the parasite can be found in soil or sand contaminated with faeces and if swallowed, result in infection that lasts between six and 24 months. Symptoms include eye disorders, vague ache, dizziness, nausea, asthma and, in extremely rare cases, seizures/fits. Often the eggs are ingested when passed to the mouth by the hands, but this can also occur through contact with dogs or other inanimate objects including the wheels of toys and the soles of shoes. Infected soil samples are often found in play areas and as a result, Toxocariasis most commonly affects children between 18 months and five years.
Whose responsibility is it to clear away dog fouling?
It is the the responsibility of the dog owner or the person in charge of the dog to clear up any dog foul left by their dog. If you fail to clean up after your dog you can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice, or if the case goes to court a fine of up to £1,000.
The regulations state specifically, that being unaware that the dog has fouled, or not having a suitable means of removing the faeces is not a reasonable excuse for failing to clean up after your dog.
Please help keep our streets clean of this menace – Clean up after your dog.