Special Architectural and Historic Interest
Both North Newbald and South Newbald are designated as separate conservation areas.
Instead of protecting an individual building, a conservation area seeks to preserve an area’s whole character. This character can be made up of buildings, spaces between buildings, views, paving materials, trees and boundary features. The objective of defining a conservation area is to provide for the preservation and enhancement of the special interest of the place. The intention is not to stifle change, but to provide for the positive management of these unique areas.
There are stricter planning controls over new development within a conservation area. For more information on conservation areas generally, please visit East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s website.
In 2005, the Government required that Local Authorities should ensure that all their Conservation Areas were appraised every five years so that they would have up-to-date Appraisals of what made them “areas of special architectural or historic interest”.
East Riding Council appraised the North Newbald Conservation Area in 2008 and the South Newbald Conservation Area in 2009. These documents were updated in 2011.
You can download the Conservation Area Appraisals from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website:
Go to Conservation Area Appraisals
(Use Newbald as the search term).