
Newbald Young People’s Project

Newbald Church Rooms Church Rooms Long View

The charity Newbald Young People’s Project NYPP is based at Newbald Church Rooms.

Each week during term time, NYPP runs an active, fun and friendly youth club for young people age 4 and above from Newbald and surrounding villages. Participants benefit from a variety of creative, physical and educational activities in a relaxed and inclusive environment.

Tuesday Youth Clubs (Term time only)
Session 1 – 4.00 to 5.00pm – Children in reception, years 1 & 2
Session 2 – 5.00 to 6.30pm – Children in years 3, 4 and 5
Session 3 – 6.30 – 8.00pm – Children in years 6+
First session is free, just turn up or for more information please contact Tracey Beasty 07428 470 126

Youth club Subs
Session 1 – £8 per month
Sessions 2 & 3  – £10 per month

We also run regular cookery courses to help teach basic cookery skills and educate children about balanced diets. Open to children aged 7 and over, Each course runs on the same evening per week from 5 – 8pm for 5 weeks (nights change per course) and costs just £25 which includes all ingredients. Children sit and eat their self cooked meals together before helping to clear away.

For more information or to register your child please contact Helen Townend on 07973 834475.

Note children do not have to be a member of the youth club nights to be able to join in any other activities.

Church Rooms Cookery club - photo of children
Church Rooms Cookery 2
Girl baking at cookery club
Boy rolling out pastry on plate

Hiring the Church Rooms
The Church Rooms is an historic building, which has been considerably restored and provides a characterful space, including a beautiful outdoor courtyard. The rooms can be hired out for children’s parties and social functions by prior arrangement please contact Georgina Tooke 07528 013731.

Emergency key holders are as follows: Helen Townend 07973 834475, Emma Hibbs 07852 226761.

NYPP Committee
NYPP is run by a small but dedicated team of volunteers who meet once a month to discuss and plan youth activities, fundraising events, building  maintenance and many other things. If you’d like to get involved please contact Emma Hibbs on 07852 26761.