Bread And Milk In Church sign

Bread and Milk For Sale in Newbald

Thanks to Rev. Bushby, you are now able to buy bread and milk in St. Nicholas’ Church, Newbald.

The items that are currently available are as follows:
Green top milk – 75p
Gold top milk – £1
Jackson’s brown bloomers – £1.45
Morrison’s brown loaf – 55p

You will find these items either in the fridge or on top of the fridge near the main door at the back of the Church. Please put the money in the restoration box and if possible, let Rev. Bushby know so that he can purchase more.

You can contact him on 07483 860074 or [email protected].

The Church is open from 7am to 7pm in the autumn/winter (GMT) and from 7am to 8pm in the spring/summer (BST). If anyone is unable to get to the church and needs bread or milk delivering, please contact Rev. Bushby.

If the main door is closed for any reason, it is most likely still unlocked. However, if you can’t open it, please use the side door into the south transept that is open from early morning until late at night.